Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is it possible to inhale a croton and if so, can it cause permanent damage to my lungs?

If I accidentally inhaled a croton, or even a sunflower seed during eating, will it remain in my lungs forever? Can it damage my lungs and effect my breating? Are there long term effects or will it eventually break down into my bloodstream?

Is it possible to inhale a croton and if so, can it cause permanent damage to my lungs?
the lungs are able to break down some foods and carry them away but it can cause an infection in some cases. if you develope a cough you should go see a doctor. good luck, i hope all is well.
Reply:If you had a crouton go down the wrong way, you would have suffered the worst, and longest, coughing fit of your life. This is not to mention you'd have a ragingly high fever by now.

The cough reflex is triggered or even if material hasn't entered the lungs, or even the foreign body hasn't gone below the vocal cords (the valve at the top of the trachea). In fact, it gets triggered any time material goes below the epiglottis and into the upper airway. Even one small drop of saliva will cause the cough reflex to trigger violently.

The most likely scenario is that you coughed it up and immediately swallowed it unknowingly.
Reply:I don't have an answer but i have to tell you, I had a good laugh
Reply:It is possible to inhale a crouton,yes. It will remain in your lungs causing infection and aspiration pneumonia. You will need to have it removed by bronchoscopy. The doctor goes down into your lungs with a long tube with a camera on the end and is able to grab out the foreign body. If you do not get it removed, you will continue to have repeated lung infections. Unfortunately, the lungs have no digestive juices. I have seen an entire cashew removed this way.

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